On the 1st of July 2020, the Federal Government of Pakistan has decided to abolish posts ranging from BPS 1-16. As these posts are overburden on government treasury. Currently, Pakistan is facing an increase in foreign debts and a monthly repayment of loan plus interest is proving to be very difficult. This is why the government has decided to cancel existing posts.

Notification no.F.8(3) about Abolition of Posts in Federal Government.
The Government of Pakistan Finance Division (Expenditure Wing) issued a notification no. F.8(3)-Exp(III)2019 on 1st July 2020 at Islamabad. This notification is about the abolition of posts in the federal government which are vacant for more than one year.
The Expenditure Wing of Finance Division wanted to abolish the vacant posts in all Ministries, Divisions and Executive departments, which are still vacant for more than one year. Furthermore, this act by Government is very dangerous for citizens of Pakistan, those who want to do jobs, now having very low opportunity to take the job, especially in the Government sector. Also, unemployment is increased in Pakistan after taking this step by the Government. But we hope for the best. The further details are as under;
The Secretary, Establishment Division, Islamabad.
Subject: Abolition of Posts in Federal Government which are Vacant Since more than One Year.
- The undersigned is directed to refer to Establishment Division’s COmmunication F. No 5(11)2019-MSW-V, dated 4th June 2020 on the above subject and to state that the 34th Meeting of the cabinet Implementation Committee (CIC) for Re-organizing the Federal Government was held on 7th May 2020 and agenda item “Abolition of posts in the Federal Government and Freezing of Recruitment of Support Staff” was discussed. Following the decision was taken.
Decision Para 4(I): “The Committee directed the Finance Division to abolish all posts that have remained vacant for more than one year in BPS 01-16 in all Ministries, Divisions and Executive Departments.“
2. It has been stated that the number of the employees in Federal Government has increased consistently during the last decade and due to this the annual salary bill has increased by three folds and the pension bill is becoming unmanageable. Further, the structure of the Federal Government is lopsided with 95% of employees in Grades 1-16 consuming 85% of the salary bill.
3. It may be added here that it has already been desired by the Prime minister’s office and World Bank that governance apparatus may be right-sized and smart and unnecessary expenditure be curtailed.
The matter has been examined in the Finance Division, which is of the opinion that the decision of abolition of vacant posts in BS 1-16 is a new policy recommendation in terms of Rule 16 (j) of Rules of Business, 1973, the recommendations of Cabinet Implementation Committee are required to be submitted to the Federal Cabinet for approval, after seeking permission of the Prime Minister. The recommendations unless approved by the Federal Cabinet shall have no legal backing. Further, the implementation on the subject matter should be in accordance with Rule 24 and Rule 11 of Rules of Business 1973, According to the Rules of Business 1973, the relevant Division to comply/ execute the decision is the Establishment Division.
4. Establishment Division is, therefore, requested to process further in the matter.
5. This issues with the approval of Finance Secretary.
Countersign By:
Aamer Mahmood Hussain
Senior Joint Secretary (Exp)
Ph: 9213690