Earlier in my post, I explained the procedure of How To Get A Lawyer License From the Punjab Bar Council In Pakistan. In this post I am going to explain the procedure for getting the license to become an advocate high court.
Obtaining the license of the lower court is a condition precedent in order to get the license of the high court. But this time you don’t need to give the lawyers entry tests that you gave while getting a district court license.
Another difference in the procedure of lower court license and high court license is that at this point there is no compulsion to send online intimation or something like it. It’s a straight forward procedure.
Procedure To Get The License Of Advocate High Court
After the completion of two years as an advocate of a subordinate court in Pakistan, a person becomes eligible to send an application in the high court.
Section 27 of the legal practitioner and bar council act 1973 explains persons qualified for admission as advocates of a High Court. This section says that a person is entitled to be enrolled as an advocate high court if he has completed his practice for 2 years in the subordinate court of Pakistan.
The process to send the application for admission as Advocate high court is quite simple. It starts as under
Submit Application
An application in a prescribed form which is also provided in the Punjab bar council website has to be filled. This application must be filled properly and answer all the questions.
The form is also available by clicking on this link application_for_admission_advocate_high court.
The format of the application is also given below for your guidance. Attach Three photographs in professional dress as well.
Four Challan forms are required to deposit the fee for advocate license. These challans are often available in the office of district bar authorities or they can be found in the bank.
Tip for Renewal of lower court license
Here is a tip for those persons whose lower court license is expired and they don’t have time to renew it. Otherwise, their high court license will be delayed.
When the maturity of a high court license is due then you only have to pay the renewal fee which is Rs.580 now a day. And attach this slip with your main application of high court license. It will solve your problem and also saves time.
Affidavit Before Punjab Bar Council, Lahore
Along with the application an affidavit is also filed before the Punjab bar council that the applicant successfully completed two years of practice and he had never left the profession. This affidavit must be attested by the notary public.
Application For Issuance Of Identity Card
Another form that is attached is application for issuance of identity card. Fill only the required portion. This form is also attested by the president bar association with sign and stamp.
Fitness Certificate Of Two Lawyers
It is the requirement that while submitting an application for advocate high court, a fitness and character certificate shall be given. Two lawyers who must holder of high court license give these certificates on their stamp pad in under a given format.
Personal Affidavit Of Applicant
Last but not least applicant also submits a personal affidavit on Rs.50 stamp paper. This affidavit, the applicant declares that he is not involved in any criminal proceeding nor he has committed any professional misconduct. This affidavit is attested by the notary public.
In the end, attach all these forms and copies of challan form along with the applicant’s CNIC. Send these documents to Punjab Bar Council.
It takes some time in the process but in one or two weeks applicant license will be delivered at his home or address mentioned in the application form.
Punjab Bar Council License Fee For The License Of Advocate High court
As I explained in my earlier post on lawyer license of the lower court that license fee depends on age. The same principle does not apply in getting the license of advocate high court.
The fee for the license is paid under four heads. These are;
- As General Fund Rs. 9000/- in Punjab Bar Council
- Enrollment Fee Rs. 335/-
- Pakistan Bar Council Enrollment Fee Rs. 165/-
- Lawyer Group Benefit Scheme Rs. 2000/-
- As PLJ Law Site Rs. 500/-
Hi.I am Dr Zeewaqar member of punjab bar council since 2018 …april…now i am doing as medical officer job in permanent basis…i want to get High court liscence wht should i do?
you are not eligible to get high court license because you are already doing medical job
I had passed LLM this year 2021 from university of Karachi can I directly enroll as Advocate high court
yes you can.
Dear Respected !!
I want to know that the documents which you have posted here for getting the High court license are these documents are complete file ? Thank you
AOA Sir kindly brief us on new system how getting licence by GAT test complete procedure Thank you
I completed my 2 year now my question is I recently got married and going to settle in. UK WITH MY HUSBAND BCOZ of visa we wanna secure our application so. I changed my sir name i_e my name was aisha Riaz now it’s ayesha Mahmood I’m. Confuse what to do now plus the address is also change I am. Enrolled in lahore bar but the address is jehlum. On new ID card
What about 20 cases requirement? Has it been waived?
Law GAT test exempt for LLM qualified student or not.
After doing LLM directly enroll High Court or not