When you are in a situation where you are running out of balance and you have to make an urgent call or an SMS. You have no available sources to get recharged. Then you need someone to share the balance on your jazz network. Getting to know how to share Jazz balance becomes very essential at this point.
Here in this article, we will tell you the most convenient and easiest method to share jazz balance with another jazz user within seconds.
Simply Dial *100*<9230XXXXXXXX>*Rs# and your balance will be shared, note that this option is only for jazz to jazz share transfer and for active jazz prepaid customers. The limit to share jazz balance is from 15 RS to a maximum of 500 rs in a day.
Details are shown in the table below:
Code | *100# |
Minimum Transaction limit | Rs 15 |
Maximum Transaction limit | Rs 500 |
Charges | Rs 3.99+tax |
Eligibility | Prepaid customers |
Helpline | 111 |
Method for sharing jazz balance:
If you are an active jazz prepaid customer and you want to share jazz balance with another jazz user follow these simple and easy steps.
- Open your mobile phone dialer.
- Type the phone number of a person with whom you want to share a balance and the amount you want to send in a given format:
- *100*phone number*amount in rupees#
- For example: *100*03057000000*200#
- After completing the above process, you will receive a message box on your mobile screen to confirm a jazz share.
- Type 1 for confirmation and further proceeding.
- You will be charged Rs 3.99+tax per share
- The minimum limit to share a jazz balance in a day is Rs 15.
- The maximum limit to share a jazz balance in a day is Rs 500.
- Note that the person with whom you share a jazz balance must have an active prepaid Jazz SIM.